Monday, 14 May 2012

Mojo, Mojo, wherefore art thou Mojo?

Dear avid readers, I sincerely apologise.

My mojo has not only departed the building, it’s run out the back door, jumped the fence, and was last seen sprinting across the soccer field. 

Over the last two weeks I have been suffering from an abominable case of lethargy (perhaps comatose would be a more accurate description)

I’ve been left scratching my head. My quilting fabric squares lay on the bed in neat little piles, quietly mumbling away that they’d like to be sewn together please. The crumbs on my hardwood floors crunch away with every step I take, pleading to be sucked away into the lovely warm confines of the vacuum cleaner, and the bathroom? Don’t go in there unless an entire bottle of Domestos is used.

I haven’t been able to sit at my computer and focus for at least a week. I miss reading about the latest adventures of my friends on Facebook. I feel terrible about not following my blogging community more closely. I feel guilty that I’ve not responded to friends’ emails and messages, not because I’m unorganized, but because I haven’t even logged on to look at them.

I’m so tired.

Yes I only have one child, but he is into EVERYTHING. I used to smile in pleasant “understanding” at friends who would tell me that their kids were into everything, but now, I actually get it. If I’ve picked up the contents of the kitchen cupboard from the floor once, I’ve picked them up a hundred times. (Note to self- get a cupboard and fridge door lock, ASAP). I seriously don’t know how women with a gaggle of children do it.

It’s not just Max who has worn me down but I’m hoping it’s just a phase. 

So please forgive me. I just need a little more time.

My Mojo.
Handsome reward if found!


  1. Anonymous9:46 pm

    Mel, I have one of those. You turn around for five seconds and he has thrown the nice, neatly folded pile of washing onto the floor. I'm tired too.

    1. It's like they want to wear you out, ever so slowly, so that by the end, they get what they want. I hope you get a break soon.

  2. My middle child was like that, actually she still is sometimes. I'm desperately hoping Miss A doesn't end up that way, as she's only a few weeks away from crawling.

  3. Oh, been there! And my kids were older so no excuse.

    Hang on... it will return.

  4. I always found having babies easy work it's when they start to 'do their thing' that it hits you.
    It doesn't matter how many children you have either, because even if you're like me and have three there is usually only one culprit.
    Hang in there, invest in cupboard locks they are our life saver.

    1. Yes I agree, having the gorgeous small bundle tightly wrapped up in muslin, feeding and sleeping, is the easy part. I'm overjoyed that he's discovering the world but it's damned hard when someone is basically telling you what to do 24/7.
      Hopefully, with a brother or sister later down the track they'll keep each other worn out rather than me!

  5. We've all been there! And I still am in that place sometimes with six-year-olds who are no trouble at all compared to toddlers! Life is tiring sometimes and it can feel like more than I'm capable of to keep up with Facebook, Twitter, blogging and friends as well as my family and work.
    When mine were little I had locks on every kitchen cupboard door and drawer and an opened-up Port-a-rena playpen stretched as a barrier in front of the TV and bookshelves in the lounge. I just had one cupboard in the kitchen without a lock, that was filled with all my plastic stuff - containers, bowls etc, that they could use. Worked pretty well, they played with that cupboard for about 2 years!

    1. That sounds great Jackie. I think I might have to invest in a portable play-pen. At least then I can go to the toilet in peace!

    2. That is exactly how I used my playpen (I had a playpen as WELL as the opened-up barrier one!). Trips to the toilet, taking one baby to the car at a time, or having a shower... Playpens are invaluable!
