Monday, 16 April 2012

My wedding speech

My Wedding Day

It's been six months since I married the man of my dreams, and I often reflect on the day and how amazing it was for both of us.

I will never forget my speech for as long as I live. It was predominantly directed to my husband and it left him wiping away a tear or two (I'm sure he won't mind me sharing that!).

Wedding speeches can be very personal, but I will always want to shout from the rooftops just how much I love him. 

So please, read on...

Four years ago I met you, and although we were only friends for the first two years, when we decided to go on an official date, it didn’t take long for me to fall in love with you.

And I will always love you.

I fall in love with you a little more every day. Not because you buy me beautiful flowers, or Lorna Jane outfits, but because of the little things that you do.

(and just so you all know, I’m going to cry!)

I fall in love with you a little more every day because of the care you take when you change our son’s nappy, and the way you put your clothes for the next morning on the spare bed so you won’t wake me up.

You’re my best friend and you will be forever.

Some people ask me where I’m from, and that’s a very difficult question to answer. I was born in Wollongong, we moved to north Queensland, I went to school in Campbelltown, lived in Dublin for a while, then I moved to Melbourne and bought my own place, and now I’m back in Wollongong again.

So where’s home? Home is wherever you are. With you I am home.

In 1985 a singer named Robbie Hart sang a song called “I want to grow old with you”.

Grow old with me, and I will love you for the rest of our lives.

What was the favourite part of your speech, 
or a wedding speech you have heard?


  1. That's lovely. I couldn't do a speech at my wedding for fear of crying. I'm one of those types, goodenss knows if I was at your wedding I probably would have been pushing back the tears hearing your speech. lol.

  2. I was very proud of myself for not crying! It was so great to speak though. If I didn't, I think in years to come I would look back and regret it.

  3. Cheers for a very good post. You have given me satisfaction to every post i read here.Specially on wedding speeches...
